TrUtH AnGeLs
TrUtH AnGeLs are you ready to join the fight?
Truth Angels are you ready to spread awareness? Choose from a wide variety of designs & memes that suit your personality so you can look great at the same time of spreading FACTS and TRUTH to those who still need help to waking up to the world wide tyranny & bullshit. Select from a large range of “All Seasons” Gear. At Covid LIEBrary our goal is to make sure you look your best when you are attending the next freedom rally, hitting the beach, taking the kids to the local park, catching up with friends for a casual evening or just taking a trip to the shops.

CheCk OuT ConTenT FroM OtHer FreeDoM FigHteRS
Contrary to what they want you to think you aren’t alone
Covid LIEBrary is just one of 1000s of freedom fighting advocates online and offline. Be sure to check out true legends in this space when you visit our TrUtH HunTerS page. With this war ego has never been a factor & should not be the driving force against fighting SHEER EVIL. This is not a dick swinging contest. This is about making sure the truth and the facts are spread far and wide across this plain we call earth. Truly a battle of unheard of proportion of GOOD vs EVIL. It’s about ridding this realm from the EVIL VAMPIRES sucking your freedoms away among other despicable activities. We can’t allow these beings who have reigned ...over this realm & human beings for centuries concocting lie after lie to create fear among the ignorant and lazy minded ones among us in order to carry out their plans of complete domination over you and yours, sovereign beings who can never let them take control. We are close and with your help sharing this website, its content, our Social Media platforms, arming yourselves and showing others where they can too with the information found among the pages on this site, purchasing our custom made designs from the merch section - expressing truth about this bullshit and everything surrounding it with all personality types in mind has never been easier. Together with we will kick these filthy evil shitbags all the way to their military tribunals where they will be tried for treasonous acts and crimes against humanity!! Read more
OuR BiTchUtE ChaNneL
What They Don’t Want You To See
This channel hones on exposing the parasites pushing the covid and vaccine lies & deception world wide sharing the real facts, real testimonies, who is behind this evil agenda and how they are all from the same ilk, cashing in on Million$ and Billion$ in many cases and a lot more. Content consists of LADACVVAC [LIES AND DECEPTION ABOUT CONCOCTED VARIANTS, VACCINES AND COVID]. You will discover everyone who is pushing this genocidal agenda are the only ones “ALL IN THIS TOGETHER”. You will clearly see anyone knowingly and now pretty much indirectly assisting [ignorance is no excuse anymore] are accomplices in this evil and should cease & desist immediately or be prepared for the harsh and in many cases fatal consequences. Most of the clips are mirrored from great researches and content creators. As this is not the only project I’m working on [THE NEXT ONE IS A ROCKER!!]... time does not permit me to create all original content myself [NOT YET]. The thumbnails have been designed in a way to express the content of each clip. so there is no confusion or guess work so you have he easy task of watching content that resonates with you most. Fair warning you will want to watch way more than expected as each clip reveals a lot. I WILL NEVER USE CLICKBAIT TACTICS.
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YoU DoN’t HavE to CoMpLy WiTh ThEir BuLLshiT
As you have probably worked out already Covid LIEBrary is just that. A complete archive of EVERYTHING Covid [including all variant concoctions “THEY” create as the next FEAR PORN DVD] & Vaccine TRUTH. This includes resources and education to help protect you and yours from the evil flooding through each of our nations via the Vaxinator Program. When we find information that could be a matter of life and death or keeping your job and losing it we will make sure we provide it here and its available to all for AT NO CHARGE
vAx FreE CoMMunitiEs
Support lines for those who are being discriminated against
Can’t find work, been threatened by your employer, want to report an incident, are you looking for help regarding your rights, want to sell something advertise your business, can’t manage to buy your groceries at your local markets, not allowed in to restaurants & cafes, services being denied, can’t get a hair cut and so much more, don’t worry we are building vax free communities to help and support anyone who wants to trade, offer services including legal. What “THEY” are doing is completely against all laws and unconstitutional… Lets work together to build this community page and help those who need it.

ThEy rEaLy ArE LyinG
Contrary to what they want you to think you aren’t alone
According to your mainstream news anchors and radio announcers only a few 100 or a few 1000 free thinking human beings attend these rallies for freedom in each country which btw aren’t labelled as such by these parasites who are on the payroll pushing the lies and deception as a result of working for their evil puppet masters, instead free thinking human beings are labelled as CONspiraSEE theorists & worse Terrorists. Instead of freedom rallies these gatherings attended by millions of human beings are labelled as violent protests & riots. Does this look like a few hundred or a few thousand to you? Do the human being look like terrorists?
TrUtH SoLdieRS
TrUtH SoLdieRS are you ready to join the fight?
Soldiers are you ready to get into formation? Choose from a wide variety of Designs & Memes that suit your personality to help wake others up to the world wide tyranny. Select from a wide range of All Seasons Gear. At Covid LIEBrary our goal is to make sure you look your best when you are out in the trenches at the next freedom rally, just hanging out at the beach, mixing it up at your local or attending the next sports event.

CoLLEctiON oF MusiC, Tv & MoViE CLipS
Contrary to what “THEY” want you to think you aren’t alone
As you have probably worked out already Covid LIEBrary is just that. A complete archive of Everything Covid [including all variant concoctions] & Vaccine. This includes resources and education to help protect you and yours from the evil flooding through each of our nations via the Vaxinator Program. When we find information that could be a matter of life and death or keeping your job and losing it we will make sure we provide it here
NFTs / CoLLecTioNS
Be the sole owner or one of very few once you take ownership of any of our unique NFT Collections
We are always looking at ways of helping spread the truth and expose the lies spilled by these evil parasites. Following the latest trends and adapting to multiple demographics. Now you can help with the project grow & at the same time have your slice of the rapidly growing NFT market. We are avid crypto enthusiast and as such we have our own NFT collection we are building and expanding on. Feel free to help support us and start collecting our unique themed NFTs

Designed by FFA21
An Archived LIEBrary Of iN YouR FaCe MeMes
We wouldn’t be complete if we did not include a fraction of the millions of well thought up created Memes…now would we?
Even though there are some of the most “In Your Face” Style Memes circulating on line there are those who are still so broken and brain washed by the evil shitstains Fear Porn Campaign blanketing all forms of “Lamestream Sludge Pipeline Networks” [Mainstream Media] they can’t see the clear deception. That’s why we are dedicating a page on our site just for these style of memes in the hopes when these broken people are directed to our page of “in Your Face” styled memes it maybe just the spell breaker the brain washed need. To see so many strong “in Your Face” memes in one place could be just the ticket to break them free from the fear porn virus that has taken over their minds and souls.